Rehoming Application
Rehoming your precious pet is a very difficult decision to make and it is important that it is the right one for your family and your Dachshund. Before you complete the rehoming application we ask that you ensure you are totally sure that rehoming is definitely the best option available to you.
There are many different situations that can lead owners to considering rehoming. However, if your dog has behavioural issues but you are in a position to be able to work with your Dachshund to try and improve these issues, we are able to provide support and also details of a qualified Canine Behaviourist who has helped many rescue dogs.
Here at Suloti we try to ensure that the best decision is made for all parties. If you are unsure about rehoming please feel free to give us a call, we are here to help.
If you are wishing to complete a rehoming application please enter your password provided by our team, or contact us if you have a problem.